Our last day of fun got off to a rough start. At some point in the middle of the night, Bubba threw up on the bed he shared with Philip. We thought he'd just eaten too much junk and that would be the end of it. Got up in the morning and went down to eat the breakfast buffet; I took Bubba in line with me and he threw up a little more in line (so sorry to all those other people in line!). I went and sat at the table with him and kept the airsickness bags I'd taken from the flight to FL handy. Didn't do me any good. He then threw up all over the floor at our table - not just a little bit, a whole lot. At this point we were cutting it close to the time to catch the bus to Magic Kingdom. We quickly debated whether I should keep him at the hotel for a while and try to meet up with them later. Instead, I got him back up to our hotel room, gave him the quickest shower ever and clean clothes, then raced down to the buses (I'm telling you, I've never stayed in a hotel that had so many corners) and made it just in time. Poor Bubba still didn't look too good. After all my sympathy and probably a few too many "I'm so glad that's not me/us" statements regarding all the poor people with strollers, we decided to have pity on our little sicko and rent a stroller for the day.
We started off with a few mellow rides to make sure Bubba was going to be alright. Scott and I thought the sarcasm of Jungle Cruise was completely hilarious. Either no one else on the boat was really listening or they don't enjoy that kind of humor. I know every word is scripted, but our guide was so good. We wanted to crack up laughing, but no one else was, so we kept it in for the most part. Our favorite line was her last one, "One last joke for all you psychics out there..." and then nothing, We rode The Magic Carpets of Aladdin (pretty much just a variation of Dumbo) then went to a couple of short shows; Country Bear Jamboree, extremely corny, but Scott remembered it from when he was a kid and wanted to see it again; and The Enchanted Tiki Room, also corny and outdated, but the old folks liked it,
Bubba made it through those things just fine and by then it was time for us to ride Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain. He was a good little barometer all week of which rides were good and which were not so; if it was good he seemed to get a little turbo boost from it. Big Thunder was just what he needed to get him back to his usual little self. We took a little raft over to Tom Sawyer Island; the kids liked it but I wasn't impressed. Then we had some lunch at Peco's Bills before heading over to Pirates of the Caribbean; it's really the same ride it was years ago, they just added a few Jack Sparrows into the scenery.
And that was that! We went on everything we wanted to ride. Silly still wanted a t-shirt, he'd seen one at Splash Mountain that he liked but we didn't want to buy it right then and thought maybe we could find it in the Main Street shops, but couldn't. Scott went all the way back to Splash Mountain while the 4 of us waited in line at Plaza Ice Cream Parlor to get some treats. Scott hadn't bought anything for himself yet, and wanted a nice golf shirt, which is pretty much what he gets on every trip. His only choices were Grumpy or Mickey, so he went with Grumpy.
Somewhere in there we watched the Main Street Parade, which was worth watching for the experience of it, but my kids aren't all that into characters so it wasn't a major moment for them. I got lost during a night time parade when I was a kid, so I told them all about that. I also went to Disney my senior year of high school for a show choir competition. I pointed out the stage we performed on and they were not impressed.
Gotta take this picture, right? |
I wore my BYU hat all week and I think I only got one comment; Bubba wore his VT hat everyday, and Scott wore a VT shirt one day and got commentary all day long. He thought that was pretty awesome.
Then we went back to the hotel and I dealt with all of this while Scott took the kids swimming. Fun stuff! I also avoided a potential disaster for the morning. Our taxi company had called to confirm our airport pickup the day before we left, so I was kind of waiting for my phone to ring all day, but it didn't. I called them Friday night to make sure we were all set and discovered I had accidentally made the reservation for the next Saturday. Oops! Good thing I called to confirm.
We must have really worn everyone out because all three of them slept past 8:00 Saturday morning and that is an extremely rare occurrence, for the boys anyway.
There was a brand new, really cool playground right outside our hotel room. They actually finished it while we were there, so the kids got a chance to go play on it before we checked out.
View from our little porch |
Silly thought the rollers on this slide were pretty cool |
Riding the elevator with a little assistance (which he didn't much appreciate) |
By himself this time |
I, of course, liked the musical elements |
Bubba's shirt - totally perfect for him! |
And that was Disney World! Definitely worth the wait, had a great time, Less Drowsy Dramamine is a miracle drug, Cakes won the award for wettest person in all of Animal Kingdom, Silly survived a typhoon and Bubba managed to limit his throwing up to just the one morning. Scott has now become the Disney World guru for all of his friends who have gone since we went. He's got a whole paper written up about it.