Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The First Ten Minutes

We set out from home to start off our long journey to Illinois. I backed out of the driveway, got as far as the street corner, and saw a scooter on the sidewalk. So we had to stop there at the corner so Silly could go put his scooter back in the garage. I opened the garage from the street and Silly went and put his scooter away. I was trying to tell him to stand there and watch to make sure the garage door shut all the way because the button worked from where I was, but I couldn't see the door. Silly thought I wanted him to shut the garage door so he went in to push the button, shutting himself in. Then Scott had to get out, but now my garage door button wouldn't work so I'm backing the van down the street, pushing the button while Scott stands there waiting and Silly is wailing inside the garage. Finally the door opened, Silly and Scott got back into the car and we started off again. I just laughed and said, "See, it's already fun!" I'm trying to have a sense of humor about this trip because I know it will feel like torture eventually.

Then, of course, we had to get gas. We stopped at 7-11 and I turned off the car, but forgot to open the gas tank lid; I always do that to him! While the kids and I were in the car Philip points to the parking spaces in front of the store and asks if I know what those mean. I thought maybe he was talking about the handicap parking, but he told me those mean you're going into the store, "and that's where wormies come from." Gummy worms from 7-11 are his favorite treat.

About an hour and a half down the road something made me ask Scott if he got the camera. He always gets all the electronics together and has his own bag of everything with batteries and plugs. I pack everything else, he takes care of that and loads the car. He did not get the camera! So now we are here at the in-laws' and he is out at Best Buy looking at cameras.

We're off to an interesting start...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

School is over! Cakes got off the bus this afternoon and is officially done with first grade. I remembered to take the camera outside.

Yesterday she brought home a whole bunch of school stuff including her writing journals from April and May.This was my favorite entry:

I wish I can be a tenacher. I can be rich. I can be 18. I can eat candy. I can have gold.

She even illustrated it with dollar bills, coins, a bar of gold and a piece of chocolate.

I read it this morning after she left for the last day of school. I called Scott to let him know what our daughter's future goals are.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Definite No

We ate breakfast together this morning. Bubba loves scrambled eggs. He still had some on his plate, but he was asking for more. Cakes asked him if he wanted milk. He said "Uh-uh" then shook his head in case she didn't understand.

Yesterday in the car Cakes was talking to me and I kept saying things like "yes," "uh-huh," "yeah" and Bubba was responding right after me with his little "uh-huh" and "mm-hm." He loves to answer questions now and he really says what he means.

At Sam's Club this week we bought some English muffins. Silly tried one at home later. The next morning he asked me for "one of those French things." It took me a minute to figure out he meant English. How does he get from French to English? He knows about countries?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This morning I was nursing Bubba. I had just told Silly not to push on his tummy because he might get sick. Response: Mommy, you should stop giving Bubba milkies cause he might overflow.

Yesterday he told me that he can open things that are hard; he just "puts the pokey part" in his teeth and "turns and turns." I have no idea what he's been opening with that method. Toothpaste maybe?

Bubba says "ma-ma" all the time now. He started last Monday. Now he comes looking for me calling my name, usually he's asking for something. He answers questions too. Monday I asked him if he was the sweetest boy ever and he said, "Mm-hm." His favorite word is "shoes" and if ask him where his shoes are he goes straight to his closet. If he's sleepy and I ask if he's ready for bed, he's goes to his room and stands next to his crib just waiting for me to pick him up and stick him in.

Cakes was upset about PE yesterday. Apparently there was a lot of screaming going on (not her of course) so instead of going to PE Friday, which is their last one before school is out, they are going to stay in their room and write. Those last few days of school are so hard! Her teacher sent a note home yesterday saying that their last half-day of school has just been shortened even more. 45-minutes closer to summer!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Missing Tummies

Scott took the day off today so we took the boys to lunch at Jason's Deli while Cakes was in school. Silly ordered his usualy turkey and cheese sandwich on wheat with fruit and a juice box. He ate all of his fruit and cheese and most of his sandwich. The conversation went like this:

Mom: So your sandwich tummy is full, but you need to fill up your ice cream tummy?

Silly: Uh-huh. And my fruit tummy is fulled.

M: You have a sandwich tummy, a fruit tummy and an ice cream tummy. Are there any other tummies we need to fill up? What about your broccoli tummy?

S: No, my broccoli tummy is missing.