10. Time a wake up! (and rubs who ever's head)
9. Where my cwoc? (looking for his crocs)
8. I wan' do. (Whenever he sees me starting something in the kitchen)
7. You scare me?
6.Wook! Wook at dat!
5. What's 'at noise?
4. You hear dat?
3. I skish you. (Or "I skish you (insert body part; arm tummy, head, whatever)"
2. I wight here! (When we're looking for him or he's hiding under a blanket or something).
1. I not Smeagol! (Scott let the kids watch Lord of the Rings so they're all a little obsessed with Smeagol now. We love getting Bubba to say it because he sounds so darn cute.)
In other Bubba news, he got his cast of Wednesday afternoon. On the way there I told him we were going to get that thing off his leg and he immediately started talking about jumping in the pool. I told him yes, it will definitely be easier to jump in the pool when you have two ankles you can use. He was interested in the cast cutter and wanted to watch, yet be as far away as possible. I don't think he ever took his eyes off the cutter, but he was leaning back as far as he possibly could without laying down on the table. It took the nurse a good bit of effort to cut through it because of the extra covering they put on Friday.
Oh, I left out the fact that I got to the doctor's office and as I'm checking in a realize I was supposed to go to the other office. I tell that to the receptionist and she tells me that my appointment was canceled. What!?! I didn't cancel it. I'm thinking that when we went in Friday for his cast repair and it took forever for the lady to check us in that she must have somehow canceled our next appointment. Oops. Thankfully, the other doctor agreed to squeeze us in, and it was a squeeze. That office was packed.
Anyway, back to the real story. The nurse finally sawed his cast off. and his leg looked pretty good. She gave us a big wet wipe to clean it up with and Bubbs had a good time with that. Then a different nurse took us for the follow-up X-rays. Bubba was his cooperative little self and when we went back to the exam room he said, "We take a picture mommy?" Then sitting back on the exam room table he's looking around at the ceiling, notices the vent and says, "That not take a picture." Nope.
Doctor comes in to show me the new pictures, but firsts looks over our history and notices that we were just in on Friday. I told him we had to get the cast repaired because the heel wore out. His response? "And they didn't just take it off?" AARGH! I told him I asked, repeatedly, but they told me no. Thanks for getting that extra copay out of me. He looked at the new pictures and saw three tiny little areas on the three bones in the middle of his foot, closest to his heel, that showed some new bone growth. So there was some real damage after all. He said those kinds of breaks happen when a kid lands too hard and the foot is forced up. Makes sense.
And that was that. Bubba walked like a spaz for maybe an hour, but after that he was pretty much back to normal with the exception of an occasional ankle wobble here and there.
Last picture of his leg in a cast. |
Fresh out of the cast. His toenails weren't as gnarly as I expected. |