Friday, July 15, 2011

Top Ten for Bubba

Bubba talks his head off at home, but not so much around other people. There are a few things we just love to hear him say over and over.

10. Time a wake up! (and rubs who ever's head)
9. Where my cwoc? (looking for his crocs)
8. I wan' do. (Whenever he sees me starting something in the kitchen)
7. You scare me?
6.Wook! Wook at dat!
5. What's 'at noise?
4. You hear dat?
3. I skish you. (Or "I skish you (insert body part; arm tummy, head, whatever)"
2. I wight here! (When we're looking for him or he's hiding under a blanket or something).
1. I not Smeagol! (Scott let the kids watch Lord of the Rings so they're all a little obsessed with Smeagol now. We love getting Bubba to say it because he sounds so darn cute.)

In other Bubba news, he got his cast of Wednesday afternoon. On the way there I told him we were going to get that thing off his leg and he immediately started talking about jumping in the pool. I told him yes, it will definitely be easier to jump in the pool when you have two ankles you can use. He was interested in the cast cutter and wanted to watch, yet be as far away as possible. I don't think he ever took his eyes off the cutter, but he was leaning back as far as he possibly could without laying down on the table. It took the nurse a good bit of effort to cut through it because of the extra covering they put on Friday.

Oh, I left out the fact that I got to the doctor's office and as I'm checking in a realize I was supposed to go to the other office. I tell that to the receptionist and she tells me that my appointment was canceled. What!?! I didn't cancel it. I'm thinking that when we went in Friday for his cast repair and it took forever for the lady to check us in that she must have somehow canceled our next appointment. Oops. Thankfully, the other doctor agreed to squeeze us in, and it was a squeeze. That office was packed.

Anyway, back to the real story. The nurse finally sawed his cast off. and his leg looked pretty good. She gave us a big wet wipe to clean it up with and Bubbs had a good time with that. Then a different nurse took us for the follow-up X-rays. Bubba was his cooperative little self and when we went back to the exam room he said, "We take a picture mommy?" Then sitting back on the exam room table he's looking around at the ceiling, notices the vent and says, "That not take a picture." Nope.

Doctor comes in to show me the new pictures, but firsts looks over our history and notices that we were just in on Friday. I told him we had to get the cast repaired because the heel wore out. His response? "And they didn't just take it off?" AARGH! I told him I asked, repeatedly, but they told me no. Thanks for getting that extra copay out of me. He looked at the new pictures and saw three tiny little areas on the three bones in the middle of his foot, closest to his heel, that showed some new bone growth. So there was some real damage after all. He said those kinds of breaks happen when a kid lands too hard and the foot is forced up. Makes sense.

And that was that. Bubba walked like a spaz for maybe an hour, but after that he was pretty much back to normal with the exception of an occasional ankle wobble here and there.

Last picture of his leg in a cast.

Fresh out of the cast. His toenails weren't as gnarly as I expected.
So both of our boys have had two significant injuries at, around or before age two. So maybe they'll stay in one piece from here on out. Right?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So far, so busy

June just flew right by. Cakes happily finished up second grade and got to ride a horse at a friend's birthday party. She was pretty funny on the way to the party, narrating what usually happens on those free pony rides you get at fairs and such. "You get on the horse, and they say 'hi, what's your name' and then they ask you what grade you're in and then you've gone around the circle once and your turn is over." I told her I was pretty sure this wasn't going to be that kind of ride, and I was right. She got to ride a real horse in a real horse ring.

Listening to her instructions

On, but looking a little unsure

Getting the hang of it.
She liked it, but she hasn't asked to do it again. It's possible she just doesn't know that's an option.

Silly had his Joy School Graduation. It went as well as can be expected when trying to get a group of preschoolers to cooperate. The eating part was great and left all of us grownups saying we need to do these things more often.

Our Joy School group

Joy School Pep Song (I meant to tell him to change into shorts before we left, the pants did survive.)

Receiving his diploma

My little graduate

After school let out the kids had more than a week of grand adventures with their grandparents. Bubba had only had his cast on for a day when I turned him over to my parents and he had a few good wipe outs getting used to his new leg, but no permanent damage. Reports I've heard from the kids thus far on their adventures: Papop took them trucking in the woods (Silly thinks he goes trucking every day). Silly said something about running over dead beavers when they were in Papop's truck, I'm assuming those were groundhogs that they're always trying to get rid of. Silly thinks they just left the dead groundhogs there in the dirt forever. Pretty sure that's not true. They were pretty excited to have a party for Papop Sunday for Father's Day. I've also heard that Papop was very impressed with their church behavior, which makes me wonder if they were better than usual, or just their usual selves. They went to the pool with their cousins. And Mamie refilled the sandbox before they came so I'm sure they spent plenty of time out there.

They spent the the second half of the week with Gummy and Grandaddy (Bubba finally learned to say Grandaddy instead of calling both of them Grandma). They went to the zoo and I've heard lots about the baby monkey and the birds. They also went to the children's museum and saw Mr. Popper's Penguins. Scott's parents brought them back Sunday afternoon and Bubba was pretty happy to see me, crawled all over me for pretty much the rest of the day. It's nice to be loved. :-)

Last week Cakes went to art camp and loved every minute. Scott found out about an art program at ODU so we signed her up for the week that was all about clay. I called him after I dropped her off Monday morning and told him I'd dropped Cakes off in a room full of girls just like her. He picked her up Tuesday afternoon and said she was glowing. She brought home her box a treasures on Friday and ever since then she's been creating little homes for them.

Bubba really liked the way his cast thumped and echoed on the stairs of ODU's visual arts building

The kids played at the bottom of the stairwell every time we came and went. Silly kept asking me to come under and look at the pictures on the walls. No thanks.

The bottom of one of her pots

Her piece of the group puzzle

Her favorite pieces. She knew Mamie would like the mushroom.

Houses for her turtle.

And that was June.