The kids' favorite part about Nauvoo was Pioneer Pastimes. We went there our first afternoon and they begged to go back over and over. They have a little log cabin and school house with lots of dress up clothes for boys and girls and plenty of play things.
Cakes and Silly liked the house.
Bubba liked the schoolhouse.
He got on this horse and started bouncing up and down like he was riding. We have no idea how he knew that's what happens when you ride a horse.
We even had some fun ourselves and played some games while the kids were playing. This picture makes it look like I could actually use those things.
We also had some fun in the Family Living Center. The kids were dying to make their own piece of rope. Silly was determined to turn this wheel all by himself.
Cakes was spinning on the other end to twist the three smaller ropes together, then we all helped cut it and kept the piece of rope we made.
We also learned about making candles and sampled some bread fresh from the brick oven.
Bubbs had some fun too.
Silly practiced setting the table.
These two places made the whole experience exciting for the kids. Cakes asked me if we were ever going to come back to Nauvoo again. I told her we probably would. She smiled and said, "Good!" That made the whole trip worth it for me.
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