Last night Bubba was trying really hard to learn how to jump off the fireplace onto the dog pillow the way he's seen Silly jump several thousand times. Silly was quite an early jumper; I'm pretty sure he was doing his pike jump off the fireplace (or the couch), land on his bum trick before 18 months. Bubba was pretty much just stepping off the edge and landing on his knees. There were a few times he got really close to actually jumping (and why in the world am I excited about this?)
What made it cuter than anything was his counting. He would climb back up on the bricks, stand like a ski jumper, say "uh, two, schh!" and then attempt his jump. He did this for a good twenty minutes last night. Scott and I just sat and laughed at his cuteness. He made a few more attempts this morning. Maybe tomorrow I can get a picture.
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