Bubba has bee jabbering away lately. I was feeling quite proud of this, and then I realized that the vast majority of his sentences start with "I want..."
I wan' some
I wan' one
I wan' canny (candy)
I wan' cackoo (cracker)
I wan' chocit (chocolate)
I wan' jacket
I wan' wa'er (water)
I could go on for a good long time. He really likes washing his hands too. Any time he gets messy he says "han's" and heads for the bathroom stepstool. He even asks for soap. The only bad part is, he would just stand there with his hands under the running water all day if I let him - not an experiment I'm willing to try.
He definitely thinks he's a big boy. Last week he suddenly started refusing to sit in his high chair, which is typically at the end of the table. I tried moving him to the side, next to me, and that has put an end to his fits so far. I guess he wanted to feel more included. He and Silly try to help me cook whenever they catch me starting something, which is my main reason for wanting a certain something. Currently they both just move barstools all around the kitchen to help them get into whatever they want. Maybe if I get that certain something the barstools will magically disappear...they will definitely disappear if we ever move.
He says cute things like "I do" when he wants to help with something, but he also says not so nice things like "'top it!" and "go 'way." I think he's trying to say "help me" but its hard to distinguish from "happy."
Last week he kept saying "happy to" in this little sing-song voice and I thought maybe he was trying to sing the happy birthday song. He said it several times over a few days. Then Scott and I were talking and one of us said birthday and Bubbs immediately started singing "happy to." I don't know where he even heard the happy birthday song, because nobody sang it to me, but several times now someone has said birthday and he starts singing "happy to." I'm trying to get him to sing Jingle Bells. I think it's working, but at this stage I think I'm the only person that would translate his sounds into "jingle bell, jingle all the way."
And lastly, this is what happens when a) I leave him unattended with a bowl of yogurt and b) pull his yogurt covered shirt up over his head.
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