He completely emptied his dresser and made this nice little pile, all of maybe 8ft away from me. I asked him what he was doing and he said they were for his baby. I asked him where his baby was and he dug through all his clothes to find him burried at the bottom.
He's quite proud of himself. And he needs a haircut. Scott says I should just buzz his head again, but I don't think I want to do that. I think Bubba has actually passed the fuzz-head stage. His hair doesn't stick up like it used to, but maybe that's just because it's too long and not because his hair is becoming more normal. Guess I'll have to cut it and find out.
Also, he really likes to do the dishes. The other night he did a surprisingly good job; he rinsed off each piece and put it in the other sink. I finally wised up and put the apron on him so he doesn't end up completely soaked. Who do these picture remind you of, siblings of mine?
And here is how Bubba gets ready for family prayer:
He was helping Cakes color and didn't want to put the pencils down. Usually when we pray he puts his head down on whatever is closest; me, floor, couch, table, whatever. He takes the bowing you head part very seriously.
A note about the socks on his hands - if he manages to get one sock on each hand, he pinches other people. If he only gets one sock on, he pinches himself, usually his other hand, most often in the car. It turns into a whole conversation with himself with the sock saying things like "pinch" and "I bite you" and his other hand saying, "Ouch" and crying.
He's also started this funny baby talk. It's funny because really, he is a baby, and therefore talks like one, but now he talks baby-baby talk. It is very amusing, but also a little, well, odd.
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