Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Children's Museum

Is it really going to be September tomorrow? Guess I Better catch up on summer stuff before it's over.

Silly has had submarines on the brain this week. A few days ago he came running to me and Scott saying, "look, my apple has a submarine hatch!" Then showed how he could flip his apple open. Yesterday he was talking to Scott, saying submarines should have a second hatch, because what if the main hatch doesn't close, then the submarine will fill up with water. Scott his explained to him, that actually, submarines do have two hatches, just for that reason. I love that kid's brain.

Anyway, on to the summer recap. Early in July we finally went to the newly reopened children's museum around here. Scott kept trying to tell me I had been there before, or pointing out what was different. I don't know how many times I told him I've never, ever been there before. They do have some cool stuff though.

Making giant bubbles


Scott was helping them fish. There was a return chute up top so the kids could drop the fish back into the "water." They were supposed to match the fish up to the slot that was the same shape, but Scott said Bubba was the only one paying any attention to that.
Playing cashier

Driving the bus

Putting out fires

Working in a bank

Cakes's body

We spent a whole lot of time at this wall. There was an employee there with a piece of cardboard and it was her job to push all the pins back in.

Playing with vacuum tubes
  This is what I had the most fun with. The vacuum tubes were blowing air and when you hooked them up to one of the openings they blew a colored ping-pong ball out somewhere else. It was fun figuring out which colors went where.

Blasting bottle rockets

Bubba thought it was pretty hilarious when the bottles took off. It was pretty loud so at first it startled him, then he just thought it was awesome.

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