Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer is almost over

I can't believe school starts in 9 days. We have been very lazy this summer, and I don't mind a bit. We set goals and didn't achieve most of them. Went to the pool or the library every now and then. But mostly we spent lots of time falling in love with our new house. One or both of the boys climbs into bed with me after Scott leaves for work; this morning it was both of them and Bubba snuggled up to me and repeatedly whispered "need lunch." One of these days he'll get breakfast, lunch, and dinner straightened out. At this moment all three of the boys are outside with the new weed trimmer. I think it'll be quite some time before they come back in. Boys and their toys.

Here's what we've been up to around the house:

New shed built in the backyard. Once it was finished it stayed empty for at least a week and the kids used it as their playhouse.

This was immediately after Cakes returned from her trip with Mamie and Papop, notice her Carlo's Bakery shirt. :-)
I promise it has an exterior now, and it is full of stuff. Bubba insisted on putting his tow lawn mower in there with the other real ones.

Our trip to IKEA helped us cross quite a few things off our lengthy list of things we needed. Cakes now has a bedside table and a desk. She gave up her vanity, which surprised me, but when I asked her if she'd rather have a desk she said,"That would actually be really helpful." So she is happy. Now we just need to get those shelves in her closet so she has some actual floor place.

 Silly's room is looking good. I really don't like being the one to put holes in the wall, but I hung all of these boards up. I saw something similar at Pottery Barn, but their boards cost a ridiculous $35 each. I found these at Target for less than $10. I put some in Cakes's room too.

Used up quite a few drywall anchors hanging these boards up. I need to get his baby picture in the right spot, it's just a little smaller than the boards.
Now all of the random bins and containers that were taking up Silly's who floor are gone! Everything is in one of those bins and one big bin in his closet. His room looks huge now. He loves it and has kept his room super clean since we spent hours sorting and putting away all of this things.


 I made my dining room curtains (have to do the bottom hems still) and mom came last week and helped me hang all sorts of pictures. Now I just need to buy the fabric and recover those chairs. Ignore those stacks of books; they are waiting on our book shelves which should be arriving any day.

 I made this curtain for our downstairs bathroom and found these cool towels at Target. Bubba's present from IKEA was a little step stool for both bathrooms so we got rid of the training potty (woohoo!) We also got rid of diapers. He was still wearing them at night but always woke up dry, so I made the others disappear one night.

Mom and I hung everything in the family room, so we're back to our nautical selves, complete with a weather station for Scott.

I still have a long list of things to get and things to do, but we're getting there!


  1. Nope, same old couch, just a different cover. New couch is on our list though.

  2. IKEA stuff is the best! Especially for kids' rooms. Everything's looking great!
