Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Smoothie Baby

This boy LOVES smoothies. He first tried one right at 12 months. He'd never tried a straw before, but he figured it out pretty quick and after that we couldn't get the smoothie away from him until he got a brain freeze.

This morning we had about 15 minutes to kill between dropping Silly off at school and waiting for a store to open and there happened to be a smoothie place nearby so I decided to indulge. There was another lady in the store and we chatted a bit. I mentioned that Bubba loves smoothies; she said she buys them for her kids but then they don't drink them. She was pretty impressed when she saw him sucking away.

Here's where the smoothie ended up after visiting the store -

And here's how he felt about his conquest -

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Shortly before school started Cakes and Silly were having a conversation about secrets. He was trying really hard to come up with something he had done that she didn't know. It didn't work. Then he tried whispering things to me or Scott, but like most 4yo he's not very good at whispering.

Then about two weeks into school I was driving him home from preschool one afternoon when he said, "Mommy, you don't know what I do at school" in a ha-ha, so there kind of voice. I told him he was right, I only know what he tells me. I happened to be stopped at a red light so I looked at him in the rearview mirror and saw this look of realization spread over his face that he now has his own little world and lots and lots of secrets that no one knows but him. He was thrilled to figure that out. He doesn't tell me much about school. The first few days I heard a lot about "the whiny boy" because he whined and cried the entire first day of school. Other than that I hear reports of what new or different toys his teacher got out that day. One day last week he played with yellow playdough; the teacher let the kids mix some red in it and he was amazed that it turned orange. He explained the entire thing to me and later to Scott.

Monday, October 11, 2010


This picture scares me a bit. Who is that big kid? I inadvertently bought her some "skinny jeans" last week and she was thrilled. I had no idea they were skinny. I didn't know to check for that. I'm only in the habit of checking to make sure the zipper is longer than 2". Gummy bought her this dress that came with a matching outfit for her doll. She loves her doll, and I'm so glad. She dressed the doll after church and wanted a picture to show Gummy.

So far she really likes her piano lessons. Most of the time she even practices without a whole lot of fuss. She really likes it when one of her songs has a duet part for the teacher, because then I can play with her. For now they are within my skill range, but I'm sure it won't last, at least not without me sneaking in some practices of my own while she's at school.

Another sign she's growing up - she practices her part for the Primary Sacrament Meeting presentation without all the panic and fear of the previous three years. I think part of it is the need to show-up her little brother. He'll be in it for the first time and I'm pretty sure he'll just march right up to the microphone and say his one little line without giving it a second thought. A big sister can't have that, now can she?

Soccer Boy

Silly has been playing soccer for a few weeks now. He really likes it, but he seems to think he's only allowed to kick the ball when someone specifically instructs him. He runs up and down the field the whole time and he's always really close to the ball, sometimes the only one close to the ball, but he just stops and watches it or keeps on running with the pack.

Pumpkin Patch

The boys and I went to the pumpkin patch with Silly's preschool class. It was pretty fun, and a really pretty day. Silly took control of my camera a few times and actually took a lot of really good pictures.

Bubba kept working his way back to the driver's seat
They had a Chincoteague ponies

Even saw a newborn pony, if you can see him through the fence.

Silly took this picture. I guess he's my official photographer now.
Of course he insisted on a picture in front of the tractor and didn't really care about the animals.

His picture of his pumpkin (inside the tee-pee).

Some grown up that doesn't know there are things you shouldn't say in front of small children said, "Don't get too close to the goats, they might try to eat your clothes." So Silly had a complete meltdown, freakout when a goat approached him.

Bubbs saying "Hi goats" to the little ones hiding under there.
Other than the goat trauma we had lots of fun. Silly picked out a white pumpkin for Bubbs and Daddy and Cakes are going to have a pumpkin patch date sometime this week to get some big ones.

Proof of Expression

Those of you who have actually met Bubba in person know that he can look quite serious. He has been master of the stare-down since he was born. The goal at his first birthday party was just to get an actual facial expression out of him, didn't even have to be a smile. Here's some proof that he is capable of more than one look.

His little rabbit tooth grin

And look at that - a major happy face! I'm not sure that's ever been captured before.

And it's a darn good thing he's so cute because he had a rough night last night and today he has refused to take a nap and therefore is a super mega grump.