Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Smoothie Baby

This boy LOVES smoothies. He first tried one right at 12 months. He'd never tried a straw before, but he figured it out pretty quick and after that we couldn't get the smoothie away from him until he got a brain freeze.

This morning we had about 15 minutes to kill between dropping Silly off at school and waiting for a store to open and there happened to be a smoothie place nearby so I decided to indulge. There was another lady in the store and we chatted a bit. I mentioned that Bubba loves smoothies; she said she buys them for her kids but then they don't drink them. She was pretty impressed when she saw him sucking away.

Here's where the smoothie ended up after visiting the store -

And here's how he felt about his conquest -

1 comment:

  1. Bubba is SO stinkin' cute!!
    Can't believe how big he is geting!
    Great shots =D
