I had a funny, but maybe a little disturbing, thought Friday when Bubba once again ended up with a bloody nose (something else we have in common, although mine weren't trauma induced) and Silly was once again the only witness. According to Silly he jumped out of the rocking chair and slid across the floor. He always has a perfectly reasonable explanation. Scott was saying earlier this week that Bubba is about 20seconds behind Silly. You can watch Silly do something and Bubba is sure to copy him.
So here's the thought - I think I'm reliving my grandma's parenting experience in some ways, only I had my girl first instead of last. My dad had a little brother, and I think they have about the same age gap as my two boys. Dad and Bill were pretty much the neighborhood terrors. My grandma used to tell us all sorts of stories about the trouble they got into together, but she also said (to other moms who said her boys were out of control), "They never do anything I tell them not to do, I just never know what they'll come up with next." And lots of times, it turned out to be my dad's idea at Bill's expense. My siblings and I thought most of these stories were surely exaggerated, but when we all went out to Washington for my sister's wedding, we saw that cliff they used to jump off of, and it's really a cliff. And that hill they used to sled down really is really long and steep, and ends in a creek. They weren't naughty boys, just imaginative and adventurous; but it sure was hard on their mom sometimes, and on the little brother. Hopefully this little brother makes it through life with fewer injuries than my uncle.
And speaking of imaginative and adventurous, I had another thought sitting in the lobby with these two boys during Cakes's gymnastics class. I was wishing they would just stay in one place and not be so noisy. Then I looked around at the other kids waiting with their parents, playing their handheld video games or sitting there doing nothing, and I realized I was wishing my kids had no imaginations. They think the lobby is thrilling. They can think of twenty different things to do with just a few little cars. They have all sorts of sound effects. I would definitely rather have that kind of kid than one that just sits.
Cute busy boys! We'll have to compare notes from time to time about our girl boy boy families. Sometimes I want my kids to just sit quietly too, but you are right- playing and having good imaginations are good things!
ReplyDeleteAmen to imagination. I often think of the kids who are missing out on the games that can be played while traveling in a car. Now they have their heads stuck in some kind of electronic device as the world passes them by. As kids we had so much fun taking turns pretending like the driver of the cars we passed would be who we were going to marry, or waving at people and then ducking, or playing I spy, etc. Do kids still do that?
ReplyDeleteThats how we eat spaghetti too. Its just easier :)
ReplyDeleteWe took quite a lengthy car trip this summer with no DVD player and all three of the kids were great. I had packed all sorts of boredom-buster things and hardly needed any of them. I started passing things out on the last day of the drive just because the trip was almost over.