Thursday, February 10, 2011

This boy is mine

From the moment Cakes was born all I ever hear about my kids is how much they look like their Daddy. The only people who ever say Cakes or Silly look like me are people who have never seen my husband. Silly is just the blonde haired version of Scott, plus dimples. Cakes is the girl version of Scott plus gorgeous brown eyes and eyelashes some women would pay lots of money for. And then along came Bubbs. He is my snuggliest, smoochiest baby and a complete and total mama's boy and I love it! He even likes to eat all the same things I like, but no one else in my family does; cucumbers, avocados, and black olives.

He had black olives, cottage cheese and apples for lunch today. Silly is over there calling out the numbers on our leftover New Year's Eve napkins.

Stuffing his face; I should dig out the toddler pictures of me making a cottage cheese mess.

Silly wanted to get in on the action, but he doesn't eat olives, he just likes to wear them then give them back.

And he looks like me. Just look at my uncle's wedding photo -

See that little girl, front and center, with the green dress on? That's me. And who else does that little girl look like? The long-haired version of Bubba. (Hey mom, why am I not in pink and yellow like everyone else?)
I'm just so glad to have a baby I can claim as my own and people will actually believe me!

Post edit: He's said a few funny things this week. I was making toast the other day and when he heard the timer ding he yelled, "What was that!?!"

A day or two ago Silly swatted Bubba's bum, Bubba turned around and yelled at him, "Soffee!"

And since my friend was here celebrating New Years, her kids were all calling me Shauna, including her two-days-younger-than-Bubba daughter, after they left he started calling me Shauna too. And I can't say for sure that it's because of her kids, but they all have blankies and now Bubba is really in love with his blankies. He insists on having three on him at night and occassionally drags his "lankie" around in public.


  1. It is nice, isn't it? I also like that my little boy is my snuggler :) It makes things so nice :)

  2. The green dress is covered with little pink roses, you just can't see them in these pictures. I was totally in to a rosebud thing then and always think of you as rosebud. That would be my blog name for you
