Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

The boys and I went to the pumpkin patch with Silly's preschool class. It was pretty fun, and a really pretty day. Silly took control of my camera a few times and actually took a lot of really good pictures.

Bubba kept working his way back to the driver's seat
They had a Chincoteague ponies

Even saw a newborn pony, if you can see him through the fence.

Silly took this picture. I guess he's my official photographer now.
Of course he insisted on a picture in front of the tractor and didn't really care about the animals.

His picture of his pumpkin (inside the tee-pee).

Some grown up that doesn't know there are things you shouldn't say in front of small children said, "Don't get too close to the goats, they might try to eat your clothes." So Silly had a complete meltdown, freakout when a goat approached him.

Bubbs saying "Hi goats" to the little ones hiding under there.
Other than the goat trauma we had lots of fun. Silly picked out a white pumpkin for Bubbs and Daddy and Cakes are going to have a pumpkin patch date sometime this week to get some big ones.


  1. Cute pictures!! You're family is so stinkin' cute!

  2. Love the pictures of you and Bubba!
