Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Shortly before school started Cakes and Silly were having a conversation about secrets. He was trying really hard to come up with something he had done that she didn't know. It didn't work. Then he tried whispering things to me or Scott, but like most 4yo he's not very good at whispering.

Then about two weeks into school I was driving him home from preschool one afternoon when he said, "Mommy, you don't know what I do at school" in a ha-ha, so there kind of voice. I told him he was right, I only know what he tells me. I happened to be stopped at a red light so I looked at him in the rearview mirror and saw this look of realization spread over his face that he now has his own little world and lots and lots of secrets that no one knows but him. He was thrilled to figure that out. He doesn't tell me much about school. The first few days I heard a lot about "the whiny boy" because he whined and cried the entire first day of school. Other than that I hear reports of what new or different toys his teacher got out that day. One day last week he played with yellow playdough; the teacher let the kids mix some red in it and he was amazed that it turned orange. He explained the entire thing to me and later to Scott.


  1. This has got to be one of my favorite posts!!! I love it! How cute! (P.S. and I love how kids get so proud of themselves.... and really find the most familiar- to us- things as so spectacular and amazing)

  2. He has several different worlds going right now, because he has regular preschool MWF, which I don't hear much about; Joy School TTh, where sometimes I'm the teacher so I know everything and the other weeks I at least know what the plan is; and then regular life here at home. I'm not sure which world he likes best. :-)
