Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday Boy

We had Bubba's birthday party yesterday. This was the first time I had to get the party ready all by myself. My mom is out of the country and my MIL had foot surgery a few weeks ago. Usually one or both of them show up a little early and lend a hand, but this time I was on my own. Luckily, the house was already clean because someone had come to see it Friday afternoon, so that was already done. I made the cake Friday afternoon/night. I had to send Scott out for more butter because I melted it with the chocolate the first time; wasn't supposed to do that. Whoops! Scott wanted a toolbox cake and planned to make some tools out of Rice Crispies, but I kept telling him you can't make little things out of crispies. After wracking my brain for several days I remembered seeing marzipan at the grocery store a long, long time ago so I went with that. Here's how it turned out...

When Scott was making the tools he asked me what marzipan is. I told him he's had it before and he doesn't like it. He didn't believe me (as usual) and tried it anyway. Surprise - he didn't like it. Bubba seemed to like it. I think just about all the kids tried some. One little boy took three big bites out of the tape measure, so I guess he liked it.

He did try to blow his candles out, and he smiled when he saw his cake.

 It turned out to be a really nice day outside (you never know around here; we've had 70s and 30s in the last week, and it was snowing when Bubba was born). The kids played outside until present time. Bubba was so cute when I asked him if he wanted to open his presents. He went running inside and climbed right into the chair.

He picked out this baby last week. He really likes babies right now and he's been wheeling this little one all over the house ever since his party. He gives his baby lots of kisses.

Silly was equally excited about Bubba's presents. I had to remind him many times yesterday that they're Bubba's toys.
Eventually he got bored/tired and just started shoving presents off the chair instead of opening them. Oh well.
And I would just like to say that I have great friends (plus a sister) who just jump right in and help out with things; watching the kids outside, cutting up kiwi, scooping ice cream, passing out cake and whatever else they see that needs to be taken care of. Thanks ladies!

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