Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back Together

Cakes and Silly are back from their week long visit with their grandparents. They came in the door and immediately asked where Bubba was; I told them he was taking a nap, but they could go ahead and wake him since it was about time for him to get up anyway. Cakes picked him up out of bed and he immediately started running and dancing around chattering his head off. He was so happy to have them home again. Poor Charlie (our dog) is glad they're back too; maybe now Bubbs will quit climbing, rolling and sitting on him.

We went to Silver Diner for lunch. When we were waiting to be seated KC and the Sunshine Band's "Shake Your Booty" was playing. Cakes looked at me and said, "Why do they have to play this song? It's not appropriate."

At the table Betty was telling me about a conversation they'd had during the week. They talked about what was special about each of them when they were born. Silly said he had to make his dimples before he could be born. I told him maybe that's why he was born 12 days late; his dimples weren't done yet. I also reminded him that the first person to see his dimples was Mamie.

Cakes and Silly ordered Oreo Cookie milkshakes. I gave Bubbs a sip of Cakes' and he was really mad when I gave it back to her, so we ordered another one for him. He would not put that thing down! I kept trying to pull it away for just a few seconds so he wouldn't get a major brain freeze, but he wouldn't have it.

Tonight after the kids cleaned up their messes we walked/scootered/strolled to Rita's for some ices and/or custard. I'm still not sure Cakes liked her choice; she ate it, but she didn't seem to be enjoying it. Scott really liked it, so much that he got a gelati then went back to get an ice! On the way back I was pushing both boys, two folded up scooters and two helmets in the stroller. Cakes was walking behind with Scott. When we got to the intersection I turned around to see Cakes crying and hugging Scott. She had tripped walking in her new sneakers and scraped herself up really, really bad. She's really only ever had one big knee scrape before but this time she did quite a number on both knees, one elbow and her hand. I kicked Silly out of the stroller and rushed her home to bandage her up. Out of all my many bandaids none were big enough for her scrapes so I had to bust out the gauze and tape. Poor kid. Those are going to be really sore tomorrow.

By the time all that was done it was way past bedtime, their beds weren't made and they desperately needed their nails clipped. We got all that done and put everyone in bed. I went back to check on them a few minutes later and found this:

He's sound asleep, yet still holding his book.
I don't know how this boy sleeps so well. He always has a pile of books in his bed, and usually quite a few cars too, never anything soft and cuddly.

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